Ski Touring Gr. Meiereck - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse Ski Touring Gr. Meiereck - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse

Gr. Meiereck

Very beautiful ski tour to the local mountain of St. Gallen. From Pölzau via the Admonter Höhe to a beautiful panoramic peak.
Follow the forest road (the first bends can be shortened) to a meadow hollow. At the right edge of the hollow, ascend on the summer trail to the Seisenalm on the Admonter Höhe and, after the alpine pasture, turn right up the sparse slope to the ridge.

If the avalanche situation is safe or if there is firn, the Kälberleiten is a great pleasure.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
12,7 km
3:30 h
1178 hm
1173 hm
1741 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Admont or Altenmarkt in the direction of St. Gallen and south of there into the Pölzau below the striking Pölzmauer. To the end of the driving possibilities to a Kl. car park.

from St.Gallen in the direction of Admont . After the district of Oberreith, turn right into the Pölzau. Continue to the end of the road to a small car park.

Follow the forest road (the first bends can be shortened) to a meadow hollow. At the right edge of the hollow, ascend on the summer trail to the Seisenalm on the Admonter Höhe and, after the alpine pasture, turn right up the sparse blow to the ridge. Follow the ridge northwards to the summit of the Großer Maiereck. Before that, on the free section of the ridge, watch out for avalanches!

In very safe conditions you can turn right shortly before the Seiseralm and ascend through the Kälberleiten.

Descent: From the summit, either descend through the beautiful cirque of the Kälberleiten (only in safe avalanche conditions!!) or return via the ascent track.

At the meadow hollow you can follow the initially flat forest road on the right and later shorten it through the woods.

From the summit, either descend through the beautiful cirque of the Kälberleiten (only in safe avalanche conditions!!) or return via the ascent track.

If the avalanche situation is safe or if there is firn, the Kälberleiten is a real treat.

Fahrplanabfrage ÖBB oder Verbundlinie Steiermark 

Mit der BusBahnBim-App der Verbundlinie ist eine Fahrplanauskunft so einfach wie noch nie: Alle Verbindungen mit Bus, Bahn und Straßenbahn in Österreich können durch die Eingabe von Orten und/oder Adressen, Haltestellen bzw. wichtigen Punkten abgefragt werden. Erhältlich ist die App als Gratis-App für Smartphones (Android, iOS) – auf Google Play und im App Store.

in Pölzau to the end of the driving possibilities to a Kl. car park
Infobüro/Salza Wildalpen

Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241

Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00 / Wander-, Rad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“ 

Gesäuseberge – Haller Mauern – Eisenerzer Alpen West, Nr. 801

Rother Wanderführer Gesäuse, G. und L. Auferbauer (2018)


Südosten Region Österreich | © Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark

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