Thermen- & Vulkanland

Recharge your batteries in the revitalising thermal water of the 6 thermal spas in Thermen- & Vulkanland | © Parktherme Bad Radkersburg | Harald Eisenberger

Spring holidays IN THE thermen- & vulkanland region

Whether in glass manufactories, in nature or in the thermal spa - spring in south-east Styria is magical. It's time for savoury delicacies, wellness & relaxation.

Spring holidays

Recharge your batteries between water and fire

The Thermen- & Vulkanland Region

An early spring and warm temperatures until well into autumn: the mild climate in the sun-blessed Thermen- & Vulkanland region makes almost anything possible. Ideal for moving moments in a picturesque landscape.

Region in Styria

Disover the thermen- & Vulkanland region

Your land of longing in the south-east of Styria

holiday in the thermen- & vulkanland

Whether it's the delicate greenery in early spring, the balmy summer nights, the colourful cuisine in autumn or the soothing warm thermal waters in winter: Thermen- & Vulkanland is too beautiful not to be there at any time of year. Here you can enjoy magical moments of happiness and let your worries evaporate.

Golden dome of the Rogner Bad Blumau Spa | © Rogner Bad Blumau, Hundertwasser Architekturprojekt | Hundertwasser Architekturprojekt

Cities & Towns

Whether historic towns with flair or small communities in the countryside: there is something to discover everywhere in the Thermen- & Vulkanland adventure region!

Six thermal spas, glass factories, museums, wine taverns and lots of culinary delights - every place has something you have to see. 

discover now

Good to know