The “Südoststeirische Hügelland-Weinstraße” begins in Frutten-Gießelsdorf, on the Klöcher Weinstraße. This leads along the L 256 in a westerly direction into the “Rosenberg” wine country, which is favored by the climate and location, lined by the vineyards of Neusetz and Hof. The view opens up to the Kirchberg Straden. At Klapotetz in Straden, the path leads downhill to Wieden. In the village area, you can see the “Klausen” vineyard on the right. Passing steep vineyards, the road leads via Nägelsdorf to Hofstätten, over the Hofstättner Berg to Khünegg, and further along the vineyards of the Oberberg to Perbersdorf. Here you turn off onto the country road to Bierbaum. At the Frauensäule, the route goes straight up the Bierbaumberg. The route now continues south along the ridge for a few kilometers, via Steinriegel, Perbersdorf and Kalvarienberg, surrounded by vineyards, with a magnificent view of both the Koralpen region and Slovenia. From Kalvarienberg you reach the main road to St. Peter a. Ottersbach. The “Südoststeirische Hügelland-Weinstraße” ends in the center of St. Peter a. Ottersbach, and the three idyllic St. Peter wine hiking trails begin at the same time.