Merkendorf round 1 (Merkendorf-Runde 1)
Fancy an easy walking or running route in Bad Gleichenberg? Then the Merkendorfrunde 1 is the right choice! This is a simple running route with 2.5 km which is very flat. Excellent for returning runners and beginners.
This loop takes you around the Grünwald in Steinbach. It starts at the Gutmann chapel along the Grünwaldweg, past the Ulbl cross in the direction of the village chapel and back to the starting point. The route is relatively flat, asphalted throughout and little used. Possibility of extension by connecting to the Merkendorf-Runde 2.
Additional information
Tourist Office Thermen- & Vulkanland
Gästeinfo Bad Gleichenberg
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Str. 1/top 4
8344 Bad Gleichenberg
Tel: +43 3382 55 100-44
Author’s recommendation
Immediately attach Merkendorfrunde 2 and use it for a walk or an extended walking tour.
TVB Region Bad Gleichenberg
Safety guidelines
- Emergency call mountain rescue: 140
- ambulance: 1444
- European emergency call: 112
- firefighters: 122
- police: 133
Tips when reporting an emergency – Answer these six WH questions: What happened? How many people are injured? Where did the accident happen (are there GPS coordinates)? Who is reporting the incident (callback number)? When did the accident happen? What is the weather like at the site of the incident?
Flache Walking- oder Lauftour entlang des Grünwaldweges, vorbei am Ulbl-Kreuz, weiter zur Dorfkapelle und auf der Nebenstraße entlang der Bundesstraße geht es zurück zum Ausgangspunkt.
Map / Maps
Running and walking brochure available at the Tourist Office Region Bad Gleichenberg
What the weather will be like
Bad Gleichenberg (295m)
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
Dry and bright with plenty of sunshine, clouds will be rare