Goss Hinterwildalpen
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From Vienna: A1 Westautobahn exit Ybbs via Wieselburg, Scheibbs and Lunz/See to Göstling an der Ybbs continue in the direction of Palfau, at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.
From Vienna, Eisenstadt: Semmeringschnellstraße S6, near Mürzzuschlag onto the B23 Mariazeller Bundesstrasse and Mürzsteg and Wegscheid to Gusswerk and on the Hochschwab Bundesstrasse B24 to Wildalpen.
From Linz: A1 to Voralpenkreuz junction, A9 to Windischgarsten, Unterlaussa, Altenmarkt, Grossreifling, Palfau and Wildalpen
From Salzburg: A1 on A9 to exit Ardning/Admont, Gesäusebundesstrasse and B24 to Wildalpen
From Graz: A9 Pyhrnautobahn, exit, Traboch (near Leoben) via Präbichl/Eisenerz, Hieflau, Landl, Gams to Palfau at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.
A crossing to Gams is possible. Descent via Salzabauernhütte, Stückleralm to Bachler in Gamsforst. Duration: approx. 1.5 hours in descent.
There is a legend about the special rock formation on the Goß: Once, on Christmas Eve, three tailors from Gams went over the Goß to Mariazell. On the way, they became exuberant, sat down on the height of the Goß and began to play cards in a boisterous manner. A stranger joined them and asked them if they would like to go to Christmas mass with them. But they answered: "We won't leave here again and we'll keep playing until the last pilgrim comes back from Mariazell. No sooner had they said this than the three tailors turned to stone, which can still be seen on the Goß today. They had been turned to stone as punishment for the sacrilegious desecration of Christmas Eve and must now wait until the last pilgrim from Mariazell arrives.
Arrival by taxi to Wildalpen:
Reinhold Missethon, Tel. 0043 (0)3636 / 317 or 0043 (0)650 / 310 10 20.
Johanna Werner, Tel. 0043 (0)3636 / 321 or 0043 (0)664 / 648 55 37
Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241 infosalza@gesaeuse.at
Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00
18 Alpine Club Map Hochschwabgruppe,Wildalpen Hiking map available at the Infobüro Salza Wildalpen
Lauf und Wanderkarte Wildalpen
Erhältlich im Tourismusbüro Wildalpen