The perfect place to pamper yourself

Health and recreation in the Murau region

Eight mountains, twelve villages, numerous forests and around 40 lakes – all of this makes the Murau region a perfect destination for recreation seekers. Talking about forests: Did you know that Murau is one of Austria’s most densely wooded regions? Consequently, wood is omnipresent in the region – a fact that is also reflected by the many health offers revolving around wood. After all, spending time in and with nature is good for your body and mind.

ideas for a soothing holiday

What do water, air and forests have in common? They can all ensure relaxing days in the Murau adventure area:

The powers of stone pine and larch

Did you know that Swiss stone pine and larch are two of the most robust conifers in Austria? What’s more, both are said to be beneficial for your health.

The stone pine is known as the “queen of the Alps”. Its precious wood is considered to have relaxing and soporific effects and is known for its characteristically resinous and spicy scent. Whether it’s anxiety, lethargy or depression: Stone pine wood gives you emotional security and strength and contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

Proven effects of stone pine wood:

  • reduces a high heart rate
  • improves your general well-being
  • prevents sleep disorders
  • stabilises the circulatory system
  • reduces weather sensitivity
  • has blood-purifying and anti-inflammatory effects
  • alleviates the symptoms of common colds and sinusitis

The larch is one of the most colourful conifers, so it’s not surprising that its wood is said to have mood-lifting effects. The larch stands for mental strength and energy. If you suffer from stress or burn-out, the gently resinous scent of larch wood can contribute to balancing mood swings.

The larch also has positive effects on wound healing and pain relief. In addition, it is used as a disinfectant as well as for common colds and flus. The wood of the larch tree has antibacterial and mucolytic properties and supports the regeneration process in case of bronchitis and pneumonia.


If you take the time to stop and consider, you can realign your priorities and values. The perfect opportunity to do so is during forest bathing in the Murau region. Forest bathing is about recognising your individual needs in a natural environment and offers a great alternative to taking a walk at Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park.

Of course, you don’t necessarily need a forest to go bathing in the Murau region. After all, there are plenty of refreshing natural lakes and public pools to take a dip.

Forest bathing

The air

Krakau climatic spa

The Steirische Krakau region between Sölkpass and Preber is a member of the “Austrian hiking villages” association. In addition, it is a certified climatic spa. As a stage on the popular “From Glacier to Wine” hiking route, the health resort of Krakau is a perfect destination for a soothing holiday. Expect stunning summits, mountain lakes, Alpine pastures and mountain huts – plus plenty of tranquillity and fresh air!

Talking about fresh air: “Luftkurort” or climatic spa is a title only given to towns or regions with a local climate which is considered beneficial to health and recovery. Selection criteria include air quality as well as a low noise and dust pollution. The health-promoting effects of the air in the Steirische Krakau region have been scientifically proven by long-time measurements.

The water

Günster waterfall

With a fall height of 65 metres, Günster waterfall is Styria’s highest waterfall. It’s a unique spectacle of nature and one of the most scenic spots of the entire Lower Tauern mountains. 250 to 300 litres of water rush through three impressive cascades each second. Since 1906, spectators have been able to witness this natural gem from various stairs and platforms.

What’s more, several bridges reveal magnificent views of the waterfall. Studies have shown that spending a certain amount of time in the fine mist from the waterfall can have healing effects. Enjoy natural well-being – during a soothing holiday in the Murau region!


The Health Workshop Stolzalpe

At Stolzalpe, patients of Landeskrankenhaus Murtal can experience a hospital stay of a special kind. Right next to the hospital, at “Haus II” (one of the oldest buildings at Stolzalpe), you can find a museum. The Gesundheitswerkstätte Stolzalpe (Stolzalpe health workshop), is the only one of its kind in Europe, presenting a fascinating journey through the history of medicine.

Health within your grasp: Don’t hesitate to try the medical appliances on site – and find out more during one of the guided tours! Would you like to learn about health risk factors and be able to recognise your body’s warning signs? Then a family trip to Gesundheitswerkstätte Stolzalpe is highly recommended!


Gesundheitspark Murau (Murau health park) is a specialised medical institution right in the heart of the region. The medical therapy centre for outpatient care is all about health, exercise and well-being and offers a vast range of treatments. The centre’s focus is not just on treating diseases, but also on preventing them.

Prevention, therapy and rehabilitation: If you’re a company or private person looking for a reliable health partner, look no further than Gesundheitspark Murau. In addition to their medical services, they also offer left-hander advice, pedicure and beauty treatments as well as various services from the fields of graphomotor skills and orthopaedic technology.

Zum Gesundheitspark Murau


In addition to Gesundheitspark Murau, Optimamed Gesundheitstherme Wildbad is another great source of energy. The holistic health centre is Styria’s oldest remedial spa. It is located right at Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park and offers age-appropriate treatments for children, youths and adults.

Whether it’s physical, mental or social health issues, rehabilitation, convalescent or outpatient care or physical therapy: With individual care and surrounded by abundant forest, sustainable recovery is easy in the Murau region.

By the way: The thermal springs around Wildbad Einöd have been discharging 25 °C warm water for many centuries. Five of them feed the spa’s indoor and outdoor swimming pool as well as the therapy pool.

Feel-good moments in the Murau region