Pflanzenschutzgebiet Karlschütt
ThörlThe plant protection area can be reached via the road to St. Ilgen in the direction of Alpengasthof Bodenbauer. An easily accessible hiking trail (also suitable for children) takes you to the waterfall in the Karlschütt.
In addition to nearly 200 years old juniper trees (unique in Europe) you will also find dwarfseelbast (flowering period: April and May), winter green species (flowering period: May to July) and countless orchid species.
Walking time: approx. ½ to ¾ hour
Women's shoe (flowering period: May to July)
Waldhyazinthe (heyday: May to August)
Höswurz (flowering period: May to August)
Spotted boy's wort (flowering period: May to July)
Coral vein (heyday: May to August)
Nestwort (Flowering period: May to July)
Several stone root types (May to August)
The plant protection area is accessible from May to October.