In search of inner peace

Pilgrimage & long distance hiking

Finally out of the usual everyday and back to the simple things in life. Hiking is one of the many ways to leave everyday life and the stress often associated with it.  You'll find something along the southern Styrian pilgrimage and long distance hiking trails that you never knew you were looking for. 

Inner peace, contentment and gratitude brought about by the fascinating scenery and the feeling of "letting go" with every step. Pilgrimage and long-distance walking is calming, it opens the horizon and stimulates new ways of thinking.

„“There is never a pilgrim who returns home without one less prejudice and one new idea.“
Thomas Morus
Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
8 Results
Das Jakobihaus in Soboth | © Südsteiermark
Aibl medium
Route 18,3 km
Duration 6:30 h

Mariazeller Weg 1. Tagesetappe

Klause Deutschlandsberg | Brigitte Kügerl | © Südsteiermark
Aibl challenging
Route 25,0 km
Duration 10:00 h

Mariazeller Weg 2. Tagesetappe

Der Naturpark Südsteiermark | Harry Schiffer | © Steiermark Tourismus / Harry Schiffer
Kaindorf an der Sulm medium
Route 370,1 km
Duration 15:00 h

From the Glacier to the Wine - South Route

Basilika Mariazell | Leo Himsl | © (c) Steiermark Tourismus / Leo Himsl
Aibl medium
Route 227,8 km
Duration 80:00 h

Mariazell Pilgrimage Route 06

Burg Deutschlandsberg | © Südsteiermark
Bad Gams medium
Route 16,2 km
Duration 5:30 h

Mariazeller Weg 3. Tagesetappe

blick-auf-die-schilcherweinstrasse (1).jpg | Harry Schiffer | © Steiermark Tourismus/Harry Schiffer
Aibl medium
Route 0,0 km
Duration 0:00 h

Südalpenweg 03 - Grenzpanoramaweg

Stadtpfarrkirche Leibnitz | Stephan Friesinger | © TV Südsteiermark/Stephan Friesinger
Kaindorf an der Sulm easy
Route 9,6 km
Duration 0:00 h

Auferstehungsweg - Kapellenwege Leibnitz-Wagna

Wallfahrtskirche Frauenberg Außenansicht | Romana Maier | © TV Südsteiermark/Romana Maier
Kaindorf an der Sulm medium
Route 16,1 km
Duration 0:00 h


8 Results

From stage 18 to 25 through southern Styria

From Glacier to wine - the south route

382 kilometers on the southern route from Schladming-Dachstein to Rebenland in Leibnitz in the Southern Styria Natural Preserve - and the whole thing in 25 stages, at an average of 15.28 kilometers per day. "From glacier to wine" is the name of this impressive hike, at the beginning of which Bad Radkersburg awaits and at the end - as if as a reward - southern Styria with its seductive landscape and culinary temptations.