Cycling, hiking and much more

Tours in southern Styira

Southern Styria is the most beautiful setting imaginable for walks, hikes, mountain bikink and relaxing bike tours, ranging from completely leisurely to sporty and ambitious. In addition, the region has an incredibly wide range of circular routes to offer, by bike and on foot, in the most diverse mountain ranges.

You'll also find countless refreshment stops along the routes, which make tours in southern Styria so special and unique. In our tour portal you will find the complete variety and diversity for yourself!

Tip: use our "Südsteiermark Tours" app in your planning (App-Store & Google Play Store). 

Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
9 Results
Accessible by public transport
Stattegger Literaturpfad | © Prof. Dr. Hofmeister
Wildon easy
Route 2,3 km
Duration 1:00 h

Wildoner Literaturpfad

Accessible by public transport
fb4 dursttour im thermen- und vulkanland steiermark_img_26748510 | Bernhard Bergmann | © Thermen- & Vulkanland
Thermen- & Vulkanland medium Open
Route 43,0 km
Duration 3:30 h

FB4 Thirsty Tour (FB4 Dursttour)

Accessible by public transport
Stimmung unterwegs | Weges OG | © Weges OG
Thermen- & Vulkanland easy
Route 9,4 km
Duration 3:00 h

Chapel trail (Kapellenweg) Frannach

Accessible by public transport
Copacabana Kalsdorf | Region Graz,  Michaela Pfleger | © Region Graz
Kalsdorf bei Graz medium
Route 48,0 km
Duration 3:15 h

River and Adventure Tour - Kalsdorf bei Graz

Accessible by public transport
Gemütliche Pause am Rastplatz | Weges OG | © Weges OG
Wildon easy
Route 8,5 km
Duration 2:30 h

Wildon Culture Trail

Accessible by public transport
Josef Krainer Gedenkstätte. | Gemeinde Allerheiligen b.W. | © TVB Südsteiermark/ Gemeinde Allerheiligen b.W.
Allerheiligen bei Wildon easy
Route 17,0 km
Duration 4:45 h

Josef-Krainer-Weg – Tour 2. lt. WK „Von der Alm zum Wein“

Accessible by public transport
Im Frühjahr bekommen unsere Schafe Lämmchen! | Tanja Shahidi | © Haus der Stille
Heiligenkreuz am Waasen easy
Route 9,2 km
Duration 2:30 h

Markusweg-Ermutigungsweg – Tour 1 lt. WK „Von der Alm zum Wein“

Accessible by public transport
Wildon Hauptplatz.jpg | Georg Lassacher/Hengist | © Georg Lassacher/Hengist
Wildon easy
Route 8,1 km
Duration 2:30 h

Stocking round

Accessible by public transport
Wildon Hauptplatz.jpg | Georg Lassacher/Hengist | © Georg Lassacher/Hengist
Wildon easy
Route 10,1 km
Duration 3:00 h

Kollischberg Runde

9 Results