Feldwiesalm and Eiserner Herrgott from Taschelbach
Beautiful hike from Taschelbach to the Feldwiesalm and the Eiserner Herrgott with beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and refreshment stops.
From Taschelbach we hike to the Feldwiesalm (approx. 1 hour walking time) - the Feldwiesalm is one of the largest alpine pastures in Lower Austria.After a short rest, we continue to the Halterhütte on the Brach (another hour's walk) and via the Eisernen Herrgott back to the Feldwiesalm and our starting point in Taschelbach.
Contact Feldwiesalm: Fam. Riegler, T: +43 680 110 39 22 (hut phone).
Contact Halterhütte on the Brach: Fam. Pomberger, T: +43 664 444 86 29
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Starting from Taschelbach (Lower Austria) we start our hike towards Feldwiesalm. First along a forest road, then on a forest path and finally again along a forest road we reach the Feldwiesalm (managed) after about 1 hour walking time. From here we continue on a forest road and then branch off to the left across further alpine pastures to the Halterhütte on the Brach (managed). Return from the Halterhütte on the Brach via a forest road until we arrive at a crossroads, where there are several junctions (direction Erlaufsee, direction Zellerrain, direction Feldwiesalm). We follow the path in the direction of Feldwiesalm and thus reach the Feldwiesalm again via a wide alpine pasture, from where we take the same path back to Taschelbach.
Alternatively, we could take the route towards Zellerrrain and then walk along the B71 back to Taschelbach (approx. 15 min walking time on the road).
The hut on the Feldwiesalm or on the Brach invite you to take a rest (both huts are open from about the end of May to mid-September).
Am Weg zur Feldwiesalm | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Feldwiesalm | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Die Almhütte auf der Feldwiesalm | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Entlang des Weges | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Almfläche mit Kühen | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
An der Wegkreuzung von der Feldwiesalm kommend | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Halterhütte auf der Brach, im Hintergrund die Gemeindealpe | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Kuh auf der Alm | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Aussicht von der Halterhütte auf der Brach | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
What the weather will be like
Mariazell (860m)
The day will be dry, but mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells.
Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.
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