Bike Riding Vom Rom der Oststeiermark ins Reich der Hirschbirne - Touren-Impression #1 | © Thermenland Steiermark, Maria Rauchenberger Bike Riding Vom Rom der Oststeiermark ins Reich der Hirschbirne - Touren-Impression #1 | © Thermenland Steiermark, Maria Rauchenberger

Vom Rom der Oststeiermark ins Reich der Hirschbirne

From Hartberg via the R57 to Pöllau - or the other way around. Find out why the stag has no antlers ...
Discover why the stag has no antlers ...

Cycling in the footsteps of the Romans, enjoying the day, reveling in life. On this pleasure bike tour you go on the hunt for the stag pear, the East Styrian hill country is the charming backdrop to the pleasure tour.


Enjoyment tips for cyclists along the "From the Rome of Eastern Styria to the realm of the stag pear" tour:

  • Altstadt Hartberg, Hartberg: Cultural walk in a modern, lively city with an atmosphere of the past; historical and contemporary elements form a harmonious whole.
  • Pusswald - Restaurant, Vinothek, Shop & Hotel, Hartberg:  A tip for years - especially food and drink with its own vinotheque as well as homemade delicacies with a cozy wine bar.
  • Show garden bellabayer, Hartberg: Some say the 5,000 m2 show garden is the most beautiful in Styria. 100 year old trees, magnolia collection, exotic plants and much more.
  • Ringwarte Hartberg, Hartberg: Situated at an altitude of 789 meters above sea level, the 30-meter wooden tower rises, magnificent panoramic view far over the East Styrian hill country.
  • Villa Rustica, Hartberg surroundings: Well preserved foundation walls, large Roman country house from the 2nd and 3rd century after Christ.
  • Vineyard and Buschenschank Retter-Kneißl, Hartberg: Wine tasting possible at any time
  • Parish church and castle Pöllau, Pöllau: Former Augustinian canons' monastery with baroque church, popularly known as "St. Peter's Cathedral".
  • Wallfahrtskirche, flower and garden village Pöllauberg, Pöllauberg: High Gothic pilgrimage church, 10 different, freely accessible theme gardens and a flower village that has won several awards.
  • Castle and Aupark, Pöllau: Relax and linger: Flower garden, hornbeam avenue, open-air classroom, root show garden, Hirschbirn hirsch'n station, park café, children's playgrounds and much more.
  • Farm store, Pöllau: Product range: from spicy and hearty delicacies to the typical regional products of the Pöllauer Hirschbirne; handicrafts from the region.
  • Oil mill Fandler, Pöllau: This business has stood for the finest oils for four generations; oil presentations and tastings possible.
  • Café - Confectionery - Lebzelterei Ebner, Pöllau: Fine coffee, sweet temptations, gingerbread and much more in the cozy ambience of this fourth-generation family business.
  • Exhibition - Echophysics, Pöllau: European Center for the History of Physics - for curious "researchers and explorers"; Victor Franz Hess Research and Memorial Site

Additional information
Recommended direction of travel: both directions
Connection/ Networking: R12 Thermenradweg, R35 Hartberger Radweg

Here's where to find the best cycling spots:
Tourism Association Nature Park Pöllauer Tal

Castle 1
8225 Pöllau
+43 3335/4210
Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-4 p.m., summer vacations additionally Sat, Sun and public holiday: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Tourism & City Marketing Hartberg
Alleegasse 6
8230 Hartberg
+43 3332 603306
Mon-Fri 9.00-12.30 and 13.30-17.00, June-December Sat from 9.00-12.004 e-bikes for rent

Author’s recommendation
In the Pöllau farm store you can taste your way through the product range of the deer pear, which is native here.

Christian Contola

Safety guidelines
Emergency call mountain rescue: 140
ambulance: 144
European emergency call: 112
firefighters: 122
police: 133

Tips when reporting an emergency – Answer these six WH questions: What happened? How many people are injured? Where did the accident happen (are there GPS coordinates)? Who is reporting the incident (callback number)? When did the accident happen? What is the weather like at the site of the incident?

Young Romans cycle longer...

The pleasure tour begins in Hartberg - in the Middle Ages the first meeting place of the nobility, the city shines today as a historical place for enthusiasts, dreamers and connoisseurs. In addition to an atmospheric old town with buildings dating back to the 12th century, such as the Hartberg Karner, the district capital also offers modern meeting places. The "Maxoom" at the Ökopark, for example, houses the largest Styrian cinema screen, and the UNESCO European nature reserve Hartberger Gmoos and the 5,000 m2 bellabayer show garden are just as worth seeing. In any case, a view of the East Styrian hill country from the Ringwarte is also worthwhile.

From the center of Hartberg, the tour leads into the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park. Immediately adjacent to the center of the town, the "Villa rustica" site - a Roman estate - presents itself in Löffelbach. And just a few meters away, the Retter-Kneißl family with its Buschenschank and Vinothek offers an ideal refreshment stop for wine connoisseurs.

....and enjoy delicacies.

Shortly before the traffic circle Winzendorf there is the possibility to stop at the village inn Gasthaus Bohmann. Then it's off to Schönegg near Pöllau and you don't have to "stalk" too far to enjoy the legendary Hirschbirne. This special fruit is descended from an old Styrian pear tree variety whose name is derived from the word "autumn". Larger stands of these trees are only preserved in the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park - where farmers use their skill and traditional knowledge to conjure up true delicacies from the pears (stag pear juice, stag pear cider, noble brandies, vinegar or the vitamin-rich Kletzen).

At the Buschenschenken Spindler, Safner, Muhr, Krobath, Kainer and Kogler, among others, you can fortify yourself with these regional delicacies. Via Schönaudorf, where you turn right in the village center, you then cycle on through a beautiful mixed forest. Passing the "Pferdeland Pöllauer Tal" you cycle upstream along the river Safen. You rest at the "Platzerl am Bach" and let your feet dangle in the water. Along the Safen valley you will reach Pöllau. Imposingly rises here on the one hand the parish church and castle Pöllau and on the other hand the high gothic pilgrimage church Pöllauberg.

The wide range of highlights worth seeing in the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park extends from historic church buildings to idyllic parks, attractive sports facilities, traditional events and culinary delights to modern leading businesses and manufactories - with opportunities for tours and tastings.

Map / Maps
Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark
Hauptstraße 2a
8280 Fürstenfeld
Telefon: +43 3382 55 100



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
20,6 km
1:29 h
139 hm
232 hm
440 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Vienna:
Motorway A2 direction Graz - you take the exit Hartberg

From direction Graz:
Motorway A2 direction Vienna - you take the exit Hartberg

Junge Römer radeln länger...

Die Genusstour beginnt in Hartberg – im Mittelalter erster Versammlungsort des Adels, glänzt die Stadt heute als geschichtsträchtiger Ort für Schwärmer, Träumer und Genießer. Neben einer stimmungsvollen Altstadt mit Gebäuden aus dem 12. Jhdt wie beispielsweise der Hartberger Karner bietet die Bezirkshauptstadt auch moderne Stätten der Begegnung. Das „Maxoom“ am Ökopark etwa beherbergt die größte steirische Kinoleinwand, genauso sehenswert ist das UNESCO Europaschutzgebiet Hartberger Gmoos sowie der 5.000 m2 große Schaugarten bellabayer. Auf alle Fälle lohnt sich auch ein Ausblick von der Ringwarte auf das oststeirische Hügelland.

Vom Zentrum Hartbergs führt die Tour in den Naturpark Pöllauer Tal. Unmittelbar an das Zentrum der Stadt angrenzend, präsentiert sich in Löffelbach die Fundstätte „Villa rustica“ – ein römischer Gutshof. Und nur wenige Meter daneben bietet die Familie Retter-Kneißl mit ihrem Buschenschank und der Vinothek eine ideale Labstation für Weinkenner

.…und genießen Köstlichkeiten.

Kurz vorm Kreisverkehr Winzendorf gibt es die Einkehrmöglichkeit beim Dorfwirt Gasthaus Bohmann. Dann geht‘s nach Schönegg bei Pöllau und Sie müssen nicht allzu weit „herumhirschen“ um in den Genuss der legendären Hirschbirne zu kommen. Diese besondere Frucht stammt von einer alten steirischen Birnbaumsorte ab, deren Name auf das Wort „Herbst“ zurückzuführen ist. Größere Bestände dieser Bäume sind nur noch im Naturpark Pöllauer Tal erhalten – wo die Bauern mit viel Geschick und traditionellem Wissen aus den Birnen wahre Köstlichkeiten (Hirschbirnensaft, Hirschbirnenmost, Edelbrände, Essig oder die vitaminreichen Kletzen) zaubern.

Bei den Buschenschenken Spindler, Safner, Muhr, Krobath, Kainer und Kogler können Sie sich u.a. mit diesen regionalen Köstlichkeiten stärken. Über das Schönaudorf, wo Sie im Ortskern nach rechts abbiegen, radeln Sie dann durch einen wunderschönen Mischwald weiter. Vorbei am „Pferdeland Pöllauer Tal“ geht es flussaufwärts entlang der Safen. Sie rasten beim „Platzerl am Bach“ und lassen Ihre Füße im Wasser baumeln. Dem Safental entlang geht‘s bis nach Pöllau. Imposant erhebt sich hier einerseits die Pfarrkirche und Schloss Pöllau und andererseits die hochgotische Wallfahrtskirche Pöllauberg.

Von historischen Kirchenbauten über idyllische Parkanlagen, attraktive Sportangebote, traditionelle Veranstaltungen und kulinarischen Hochgenüssen bis hin zu modernen Leitbetrieben und Manufakturen - mit Besichtigungs- und Verkostungsmöglichkeiten - reicht die breite Palette an sehenswerten Höhepunkten im Naturpark Pöllauer Tal.

Im Bauernladen Pöllau kann man sich durch die Produktpalette der hier heimischen Hirschbirne kosten. 

Detailed information about arriving by ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) can be found at or on the Verbundlinie Steiermark website

With Verbundlinie’s BusBahnBim route planner app, planning your journey has never been easier: simply enter towns and/or addresses, stop names or points of interest to check all bus, train and tram connections in Austria. The app is available free of charge for smartphones – on Google Play and in the App Store

Stress-free parking is possible in Hartberg's city center in the comfortable "Sparkassen-Parkdeck-Alleegasse". The parking deck was built in the renovated Alleegasse district.

In Pöllau there is a Park & Ride area (P+R Pöllau) in Schloffereckstrasse.

Empfohlene Fahrtrichtung: Beide RichtungenAnbindung/ Vernetzung: R12 Thermenradweg, R35 Hartberger Radweg

Hier gibt‘s die besten Rad-Schläge:

Thermen- & Vulkanland SteiermarkHauptstraße 2a8280 FürstenfeldTelefon: +43 3382 55 100Fax: +43 3382 55 100 - 20E-Mail:


What the weather will be like

Pöllauberg (751m)

slightly cloudy
5 km/h
slightly cloudy
5 km/h
5 km/h
Partly sunny in the morning, gradually becoming cloudy in the afternoon.
5 km/h
slightly cloudy
5 km/h
5 km/h
Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.
5°C 16°C
9°C 18°C
slightly cloudy
11°C 18°C

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