Along a forest road up to the Vordere Mörsbachalm. Continuation of the hike to the Große Bärneck.
THEOS HUT. Who doesn't know it?! From the summer parking lot, you will walk comfortably along a forest road to the Vordere Mörsbachalm. Once at the top, you will be served a hearty snack and further hiking options that will melt in your mouth!
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Coming from the B320, at the Trautenfels intersection in the direction of Irdning. Then direction Donnersbach, Donnersbachwald.
Shortly after the tennis court turn right in the direction of Mörsbachwirt and summer parking.
The hike starts at the summer parking lot. You follow the markings (trail 02 or trail 09) and march along the forest path up to the Vordere Mörsbachalm. At the Mörsbachwirt you can comfortably fortify yourself before you make your way back to the starting point via the circular trail along the Stegerwald.If the round is too short for you, you can continue hiking to the Hintere Mörsbachalm and via the Oxenalm back to the summer parking lot. If you want to climb a peak, after the Hintere Mörsbachalm you go uphill to the Großer Bärneck (outward journey from Mörsbachalm approx. 2 hours).
Take a break at the Mörsbachwirt.
Mörsbachalm | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein
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