
Would you like to discover the region of Graz by hiking, biking or cycling? Then we have put together some tour tips for you here! Explore the region and take a look at our route suggestions.

Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
68 Results
Accessible by public transport
Literaturpfad | © Prof. Dr. Hofmeister
Region Graz easy
Route 2,1 km
Duration 1:00 h

Stattegger Literaturpfad

r4 kl. panoramarundweg_img_19155168 | Hirsch Florian | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 4,7 km
Duration 2:30 h

R4 Kl. Panoramarundweg

Accessible by public transport
Picknick bei St. Ruprecht an der Raab | Die Mosbacher`s | © TV St. Ruprecht an der Raab/Die Mosbacher' s
Accessible by public transport
GH Sandwirt | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 7,8 km
Duration 4:30 h

R5 Präbichl-Glett-Rundweg

Accessible by public transport
über die mur und wieder retour_img_26302451 | © Graztourismus - Harry Schiffer
Graz easy
Route 1,8 km
Duration 0:45 h

Across the Mur and back again

Accessible by public transport
r 12: windhof-rundweg_img_19220714 | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 11,8 km
Duration 2:30 h

R 12: Windhof-Rundweg

Accessible by public transport
Eine Abkühlung tut gut | Leo Himsl | © Steiermark Tourismus / Leo Himsl
Graz challenging
Route 33,7 km
Duration 11:00 h

Mariazeller Weg 6. Tagesetappe

r15 niederschöcklweg_img_19220706 | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach medium
Route 12,6 km
Duration 5:40 h

R15 Niederschöcklweg

Accessible by public transport
GH Jägerwirt | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach medium
Route 10,6 km
Duration 5:30 h

R 14 Schöcklwanderung

Accessible by public transport
Dorfwirt "Häuserl im 'Wald" Juniorchef | Harry Schiffer - Region Graz | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 34,4 km
Duration 3:34 h

Die Kulinarische Genuss Rad-Tour in Semriach

Accessible by public transport
Station 18: Grüne Lunge | TV Region Graz und Tom Lamm | © Region Graz
Laßnitzhöhe easy
Route 7,3 km
Duration 2:30 h

sebastian RELOADED® adventure trail

Accessible by public transport
Blick vom Schöckl zur Roten Wand im Naturpark Almenland, Oststeiermark | Christine Pollhammer | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Passail easy Open
Route 7,8 km
Duration 2:30 h

Schöckl Round from Schöcklkreuz (Plenzengreith)

Accessible by public transport
Maria Schnee auf der Gleinalm (c) Sonnleitner | Meike Brucher | © Region Graz
Graz Area challenging
Route 46,2 km
Duration 15:30 h

Von der Stadt auf den Speik in 2 Tagen

Accessible by public transport
Pilgern in OberGraz | © TV Region OberGraz
Thal medium
Route 13,6 km
Duration 4:30 h

From Gösting to Maria Straßengel

Accessible by public transport
Wetterturm Schaftalberg | Harry Schiffer | © Region Graz
Graz medium
Route 49,3 km
Duration 4:00 h

Water and Spring Tour – Kumberg

Accessible by public transport
Schmankerltour Laßnitzhöhe | Mias Photoart | © Region Graz
Laßnitzhöhe medium
Route 37,8 km
Duration 2:55 h

Delicacy Tour - Laßnitzhöhe

68 Results