Hiking route Celtic path - Touren-Impression #1 | © Region Graz Hiking route Celtic path - Touren-Impression #1 | © Region Graz

Celtic path

The Ligist Celtic trails lead us from the Ligist market square up the Dietenberg to the excavations from the Celtic period. Information boards about the Celts and the Celtic hilltop settlement bring us closer to the Bronze Age.
In Ligist they practice "soft tourism" - what does that mean? - Ligist is an insider tip and not overcrowded, the big advantage for you.Ligist lies at the start of the historic Schilcher Wine Route. Hospitality and enjoyment are inextricably linked with this small West Styrian market town.Farms, inns and wine taverns offer numerous culinary delicacies and, of course, Ligist Schilcher.

In addition to enjoyment and hospitality, Ligist also offers many cultural attractions.

The Ligist market square, which is always the venue for various festivities in summer, is surrounded by beautiful town houses. The focal point is the Walcher fountain, created by the Krottendorf sculptor Alfred Schlosser, with sayings carved in stone by the Ligist dialect poet Eduard Walcher. The castle ruins and Ligist Castle, as well as the local history museum and the ever-popular Polsterlkino cinema are also well worth a visit.




Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
8,8 km
3:00 h
268 hm
268 hm
504 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Von Graz kommend: A2 - Mooskirchen - Ausfahrt Steinberg - Ligist Von Klagenfurt kommend: A2 - Pack - Ausfahrt Steinberg - Ligist

The Ligist Celtic trails

The "Ligister Keltenwege" begin at the market square in Ligist and lead us in a south-easterly direction, past the formerly important Roob hammer mill, over a traffic light-controlled road crossing in the direction of Dietenberg. After crossing the road, the trail continues along the Ligistbach stream before turning sharp left after the small Hunesbach bridge.

We continue along the path for a short distance, past the dog waste disposal area, before turning left again to begin the ascent to the old Celtic settlement site, the Dietenberg.

The next 500 m of the trail are the steepest on the entire route, but a good half of it leads through shady deciduous forest. The steep ascent ends at a small quarry with interesting rock formations that is only used for local purposes.

We continue our relaxing walk through a derelict farm before the path becomes moderately steep again and we reach the vineyard region. The hike through the vineyards is enjoyable with a beautiful view of Ligist. After crossing the vineyards, the path leads us through forest again, interrupted by views of the "Teufelstein" (Devil's Stone) on the Ligist bypass and the Ligistberg with the 805 m high Wartenstein.

After a short ascent, we reach the summit of the Dietenberg with its Celtic excavations and a magnificent view over the Ligister valley basin. The mountain, which was first mentioned in 1066, probably got its name from its former lord of the castle, a Dieter.

The highest point of the hike has now been reached. We take a rest and enjoy the "Greitbauer" wine tavern just below the summit.

We walk downhill through vineyards, past the Kürzl inn and a Celtic house built in the original style, along the road for approx. 1 km. We then leave the road on the left at the start of the "Schwarzwald" (the original name for pure coniferous forest) and soon reach the junction of the shorter Celtic trail to Ligist on a forest path.

We reach the village on this route in around ½ hour.

The longer route of the Celtic Trail now leads us further through the Black Forest. After 10 minutes, the hiking trail joins Hallersdorfer Straße. We follow it to the village of Grabenwarth, where we can take a break at Gasthaus Höfer or at the beautiful village fountain.

In the small chapel opposite the fountain there is an altar that once stood in the "Lubgast" castle, which is now in ruins. The area around Ligist belonged to Eppenstein in the 12th century and was owned by the Wildon family of servants, the "Lubgasters", in the 13th century.

The Keltenweg now takes us along the road towards Steinberg (highway) and leaves it on the right by turning into the forest. Via the so-called "Eisbach" we reach the "Herlwirt" junction after about 15 minutes. Continuing along the Eisbachweg, we soon cross the Hunesbach and after a short ascent we reach another important junction. The "Ligister Rundwanderweg" continues to the left and after approx. 10 minutes we reach the junction to the "Sch(m)ankerlwegen".

The Celtic trail continues to the right, past the Sailer riding stables and a few farmsteads. After a short while, we come to a crossroads in the forest, where the Celtic trail branches off to the left. Walking through a beautiful old hollow path, we soon reach the Ligister valley floor. After crossing the Ligist bypass road at the old fruit press, after another 10 minutes we are back at the starting point of our hike, the market square in Ligist.


Keltenhaus am Dietenberg 


Mit der Bahn direkt bis Krottendorf-Ligist - www.oebb.at


Parkmöglichkeiten im Ort Ligist

Tourismusverband Region Graz

Messeplatz 1/Messeturm

8010 Graz

T +43 316 8075-0



Wanderkarte WK 132 von Freytag&Berndt ist zum Preis von € 7,50 erhältlich.  Information und Kartenmaterial erhalten Sie in der Marktgemeinde Ligist oder im Tourismusbüro Lipizzanerheimat. 


What the weather will be like

Ligist (387m)

5 km/h
0 km/h
5 km/h
Mostly cloudy and rain, which will increase more and more.
5 km/h
5 km/h
5 km/h
Heavy rain in the morning, drying up in the afternoon.
7°C 14°C
7°C 16°C
slightly cloudy
6°C 18°C
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