Gründerweg - Der Pilgerweg von Aflenz Kurort nach Mariazell
The "Gründerweg" is a pilgrimage route from Aflenz to Mariazell that has existed for centuries.A folder provides detailed information about the route, sights, as well as religious and sporting aspects of pilgrimage.
This pilgrimage route is basically manageable for experienced pilgrims and pilgrims in one day. However, the approximately 37 km long route (walking time about 9 hours) can also be hiked in stages. The path leads over forest roads, forest paths, alpine marked paths and trails and in places over an asphalt bike and foot path.
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From the south: From Kapfenberg on the B20From the north: Via Mariazell and the Seeberg on the B20From the east: Via Semmering on the S6 to Kapfenberg and further on the B20
The trail leads from the Aflenz parish church along the former federal road to Jauring (15 min). At the end of the village it branches off to the left into the Feistringgraben (trail no. 864) and leads up to the Hackentörl at an altitude of 1281 m (2 hrs.). From Hackentörl down to the Hackenalm to Seewiesen (trail no. 863) to the church (1 hr.). From the church up the road at the left turn to the right along the forest trail to the Seebergsattel (1246 m), down to the Seebergalm (1 hr.). After crossing the Seeberg federal road, the trail leads past the Brandhof farm to a fork to the right onto a forest road. Follow this path upwards until you reach the path that leads down from the Graualm. Take a sharp right down into the forest across the main road to Gollrad (1 hour). From the church along the main road then on the bike and foot path until shortly before Wegscheid, where you turn left into the Ramer valley (trail no. 854). After about 500 m, at the fork in the road, turn right onto the Steinschalen uphill into the forest and sharp left onto the Pretal (1 1/2 hrs; trail no. 856). Out through the Brunngraben to the game gate. If it is open (in summer) through the enclosure - or otherwise left via the bypass - out to the Hochschwab federal road in the Salzatal. On the federal road right about 1.5 km to Salzahammer, then left over 2 bridges and then right through a settlement. After the settlement left up along the Lendstraße ( 1 1/2 hrs.). The trail continues partly along the old railroad line up Sigmundsberg past the youth and family guesthouse along the Salza onto the main road and keeping right through the avenue up to the Mariazell Basilica (1 hr. 15 min.).
There are many interesting historical buildings, sights and pilgrimage sites along the pilgrimage trail (St. Peter's parish church in Aflenz, St. Leonhard's church in Seewiesen, the Brandhof and the chapel on Sigmundsberg).
By train to Bruck/Mur or Kapfenberg station and from there by bus to Aflenz Kurort.Line 171 (Bruck/Mur - Aflenz - Turnau) orLine 172 (Bruck/Mur - Aflenz - Mariazell)Information about train and bus at and Regional cab companies:Cab Hochschwabreisen (Tel. 03861/2400), Taxi Steiner (Tel. 03862/51333 18) and Taxi Gombotz (Tel. 03862/24990).
There are several parking lots in the place. These are marked.
Pfarrkirche St. Peter in Aflenz Kurort | © Kurverwaltung Aflenz | Kurverwaltung Aflenz
Pfarrkirche St. Leonhard in Seewiesen | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fritz Bayerl
Pfarrkirche St. Peter in Aflenz Kurort | © Kurverwaltung Aflenz | Kurverwaltung Aflenz
Pfarrkirche St. Peter in Aflenz Kurort | © Propstei Aflenz | Marcus Paar
Der Brandhof in Gollrad | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fritz Bayerl
Basilika Mariazell | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fred Lindmoser
Basilika Gnadenaltar | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fred Lindmoser
What the weather will be like
Turnau (756m)
Early clouds will gradually clear to leave the region with a dry and sunny day.
Rather cloudy in the morning, then sunny spells will develop gradually.
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