Kirche und Schloss_Pöllau_Oststeiermark | © Helmut Schweighofer Kirche und Schloss_Pöllau_Oststeiermark | © Helmut Schweighofer

Sat., 26/10/2024 from 08:30 o'clock

ORF Radio Steiermark Wandertag

All sorts of things are going on around the Pöllauer Hirschbirne at the ORF Radio Styria hiking day. Exercise in beautiful nature, regional culinary specialties, and a party at the finish with lots of music.

Relaxing nature, delicious culinary specialties from the region and lots of entertainment await visitors to the ORF Radio Styria Hiking Day "Around the Pöllauer Hrischbirne".
Colorful program in any weather. Live music and regional delicacies at the refreshment stations.

from 08:30 am Meeting & Strengthening Pöllau Castle
-Holy Mass
-Music band Pöllau

from 09:15 am Start Short route: 7.8 km | Long route: 14.1 km
-Musical refreshment stops
-Regional delicacies -ORF Styria presenter PAUL PRATTES joins the hike

from 12:00 pm Big closing party in the Pöllau castle park
-The Goldsberg Krainer
-Concert “DIE EDLSEER”

Hiking in any weather!
Admission free!
We look forward to seeing you.
Information is available from the Oststeiermark GST Nature Park Pöllau Valley Tourist Board: Tel.: +43 3335 / 4210

We would like to thank our supporters:

ORF Radio Steiermark
Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Sparkasse Pöllau
Retter Reisen
Energie Steiermark
Lagerhaus Wechselgau
Marktgemeinde Pöllau
Gemeinde Pöllauberg
Lebensmuster Region Naturpark Pöllauer Tal
Steiermark Tourismus
Sport Köck
Wir bewegen Österreich

Date and time

Sat., 26/10/2024
Starts at: 08:30 O'clock

Event location

Pöllau - Schloss Pöllau


Naturpark Pöllauer Tal
Schloss 1
8225 Pöllau