Alpaka Farm Stelzer: Alpaka hike with farm seeing


About the offer

Everything about ALPACAS

At the Stelzer mountain farm in Gasen, everything revolves around the sweet animals, the alpacas. The animals live on the farm and are happy to be petted, fed and taken for walks by guests. Alpaca walks are offered in addition to a guided tour of the farm.

The many alpaca products, such as slippers, jackets, socks, bonnets and much more, can be bought in the farm shop.

A guided tour of the farm and/or an alpaca walk can be arranged at any time by appointment. For more information, please visit

Date and time

  • 01 January - 31 December 2024
  • Daily - Starting at 10:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address
