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Thu., 23/01/2025 19:30 O'clock

Bartolomey Bittmann

In their new program ten, the two musicians celebrate their tenth anniversary as an ensemble and present current pieces, many of which were created in the Pandemic Lockdown.

After the great success of their last award-winning album z e h n (German Record Critics' Award) BartolomeyBittmann's new program “Best of BB” focuses on the essence of their compositional work to date. compositional work to date. In the four programs created since then, the progressive duo's original compositions live from strong emotional contrasts: Meridian (2013) - finding a connecting line, a musical path Neubau (2015) - the idea of creation in joint composing Dynamo (2019) - the dramatic element in music and performance z e h n (2022) - the continuity and support of a philosophy The musical spectrum of “Best of BB” ranges from powerful rock riffs and virtuosic raging unisono passages to intimate grooves and sensitive cantilenas. The focus is always on the acoustic foundation of their classical instruments. Matthias Bartolomey - violoncello Klemens Bittmann - violin & mandola www.bartolomeybittmann.at

Date and time

Thu., 23/01/2025
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock (Duration: 3 Hours)

Event location

Judenburg - Veranstaltungszentrum Judenburg

Additional Information

Price information


Presale € 26,00

Eveningsale € 31,00


Presale € 22,00

Eveningsale € 27,00

Tickets available at OETicket


Kaserngasse 18-20
8750 Judenburg


Kaserngasse 18-20
8750 Judenburg


Kaserngasse 18-20
8750 Judenburg


Kaserngasse 18-20
8750 Judenburg