Alpenland | © Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion Alpenland | © Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion

Fri., 28/06/2024 from 21:00 o'clock

Points of View

Film evening with the Cycle Cinema Club in Grundlsee

Simple Smart Buildings. Friedrich Idam, AT 2023, 09:43 min. R: Arian Lehner & Dominik Kastner / Mies.Magazin
The trained sculptor and architect Friedrich Idam has been dealing with the architectural heritage of the Salzkammergut region for decades and takes historical best practice examples as an opportunity to show a forward-looking building culture.

Alpenland, AT 2022, 88 min, dOF, D: Robert Schabus
The Alps are not only a spectacular natural landscape in the heart of Europe, but also a habitat for 13 million people in eight countries, whose multitude of languages, dialects and lifestyles reflect the cultural diversity of this unique region. The topics that ALPENLAND presents for discussion range from tourism and agriculture to the effects of climate change, which are already being felt here.

Guests: Katharina Ritter / AzW, Mayor Franz Steinegger, Grundlsee

Points of View

Since May 2022 the Blickpunkte film festival has been wandering through the region, collecting, sharing and telling stories about people, places, ideas and visions from and for the Salzkammergut.
More about the project at

Event location

Grundlsee - Gasthaus Rostiger Anker


Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl - Salzkammergut 2024
Auböckplatz 4
4820 Bad Ischl


Gasthaus Rostiger Anker
Gasthaus Rostiger Anker
Gößl 206
8993 Grundlsee