Rätselrallye mit Rad
Who is the rally made for and what do I need?
The rally is suitable for children 7 years and older. You need: bike, helmet, pen, riddle rally booklet, drink, snack and backpack.
How is the riddle rally structured?
The riddle rally starts with a story. At the end of the rally you know where "the missing spell" from the story is located - this is also your secret, your solution. There are five riddle tasks in total.
Do I get a reward?
When you are done with the riddle rally, come with your solution to the guest info at the main square and you will get your reward.
Note: Outside the opening hours of the Guest Info you can get your reward at the Café Restaurant Xpresso on the main square. Just go there with your solution and pick up your reward.
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Let's continue. We leave Frauenplatz, turn left in the direction of Hauptplatz and left again into Langgasse. We continue in the direction of Mitterling. At the sewage plant we turn right and just after the bridge we turn right again. We follow the road along the asphalt road, then there is a gravel road. We continue to the Johannesquelle, also called Hildebrunnen. There you will find the next riddle.
At the fountain we take the opposite road and head towards the Mur. There you will already find puzzle number 3.
We go back a little bit and then turn right again. Then it goes directly into the floodplain forest. We go also a short piece directly at Mur, at the so-called Muraufweitung past. It goes to the border stone number 1, where also the state border with Slovenia is located. There is a bonus puzzle (not obligatory).
We go back again a few meters of the road along the Mura, there comes a slight right, left right bend. Then we turn right (narrow forest path). We follow this until we turn right again into the forest at the edge of the forest. Passing a gravel pond we continue towards the fish pond, where the next puzzle is waiting. After the gravel pond we again enter a short piece of forest, after the forest we turn sharp right and already see the fish pond. Between or on the trees the riddle is waiting for us.
After the fish pond we continue in the direction of Sicheldorf. At the main road we cross the road (you can see a sign "Sunrise Tour"). After the short gravel road we turn right onto the asphalt road towards Dedenitz. At the end of Dedenitz we turn left into the forest and follow the gravel road. We continue along the gravel road. Once on the left side a sports ground appears. Here we turn left and after the sports field immediately right. We pass the inn Zum Lindenhof in Laafeld. After the inn we turn right into the alley. Here the next puzzle is waiting for us. On the right side is the Pavelhaus (see the sign in front of the house). This was also the last riddle.
We go back to Bad Radkersburg
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- Altstadt Bad Radkersburg - max. parking duration of 90 minutes
- city park (Hasenheide) and city moat - max. parking duration 180 minutes
- permanent parking - north in Dr. Kamniker-Straße and east near the Thermenarena - max. parking duration one week
Gästeinfo Bad Radkersburg
Hauptplatz 14
8490 Bad Radkersburg
Tel: +43 3382 55 100-90