Trialpark Oberwölz 1
Trialpark Oberwölz 2
Trialpark Oberwölz 3
Trialpark Oberwölz 4

Trial adventure in the Trialpark Oberwölz


About the offer

Trial experience means:

Learning to overcome obstacles off-road and in life. Developing body control, safety and concentration on a two-wheeler - feeling and accepting your own limits. Self-awareness and personal development combined with fun, adventure and unusual tasks through direct experiences with the realities of nature. Learning teamwork - learning through the group Teaching theoretical and practical life skills learning by doing. It is the ideal motor sport to enable young people and adults to have fun with motor vehicles and at the same time have an educational impact on traffic.

Although the trial park is mainly about motorcycle trials, off-road vehicles and quads of all kinds are also very welcome. Riders can improve and demonstrate their two-wheel and 4x4 off-road skills on the site.

If you would like to try out trials now, then get in touch with us at the Trialpark!
Tel. +43 (0) 664 3819 198 | Mail:

Price information

Trialpark use with own trial or own vehicle

Adults € 15,00.
Children (up to 14 years) € 10,00.

Trial rental

Trial bike: 1 unit (50 minutes) € 20.00.
Trial bike: 2 units in a row € 30.00.
Trial motorcycle: 1 unit (50 minutes) € 40.00.
Trial motorcycle: 2 units in a row € 70.00.
Suzuki car: 1 unit (50 minutes) € 50.00.
Car Suzuki: 2 units in a row € 90.00.

Opening hours

Opening hours by appointment by phone +43 (0) 664 3819 198 or by e-mail to

More information

We also offer off-road driving courses for newcomers. We also offer 4x4 cab rides in difficult terrain. Rental vehicles, cars and motorcycles are available on request.

About the serviceprovider

Trialpark in Oberwölz - the trial adventure!

Date and time

  • 25/04/2024 - 25/04/2030

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address

